A new diabetes-focussed recipe book by well-known foodie, Heleen Meyer, in partnership with Pharma Dynamics, the Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE) and the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA (HSFSA) will be launched in time for National Diabetes Awareness Month this November.
Meyer, who is known for her practical, easy-to-follow recipes in the Cooking from the Heart recipe book series, says the latest edition offers people with diabetes advice on how to live the life they want to through optimal nutrition and will contribute to the overall health and well-being of everyone that chooses to follow this way of eating.
“It aims to inspire, motivate and educate the estimated 3,5 million South Africans living with diabetes, but to also create awareness among the broader public of the risk factors associated with the condition,” says Meyer.
The Cooking from the Heart recipe book series complements Pharma Dynamics’ on-going drive to promote healthy eating among the South African public and forms an integral part of its umbrella wellness campaign, called iChange4Health.
The iChange4Health initiative, which focuses on diet, physical activity, smoking cessation and alcohol use, has been specifically created for healthcare practitioners to help them motivate patients with high risk factors to make healthier lifestyle choices – promoting a preventative strategy over a curative approach.
Mariska van Aswegen, spokesperson of Pharma Dynamics says with cardiovascular disease (CVD) ranking number one on the list of diabetes-related complications, this is a must-have cookbook for anyone who wants to improve his or her heart health, and it’s great for those with either pre-diabetes or full-blown diabetes.
“Managing your diet is the key to good diabetes control. Each of the 25 recipes, that include breakfast, snack, dinner and dessert ideas, are low in saturated fat, refined carbs and salt. It also provides twists on traditional favourites, nutritional and meal planning advice, along with portion control and most importantly, tastes great,” says van Aswegen.
The recipes have been analysed by HSFSA dieticians to provide full nutritional information for every recipe. A healthy plate model and lists of alternatives to help plan a healthy meal complete the edition, giving those affected by diabetes a cookbook that promises eating can continue to be one of life’s great pleasures, as well as the most important part of a treatment plan.
Cooking from the Heart 3 will again be made available at no cost to the public, courtesy of prevention-minded pharmaceutical firm, Pharma Dynamics. Get a copy from your GP or access the recipes in the CFTH recipes tab. You can also follow the Cooking from the Heart Facebook page for handy tips on how to make healthier lifestyle choices part of your every day.
- Diabetes puts people at a very high risk of having a heart attack or stroke, which is why the prevention-minded pharmaceutical company behind Cooking form the Heart felt it important to create a heart-friendly cookbook specifically for people with diabetes.
- In South Africa, the IDF estimates 3.5-million South Africans are living with diabetes — of whom 50% are still undiagnosed. A further 3-million people in SA have prediabetes — a condition in which insulin resistance causes blood glucose levels to be higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.
- According to the latest report released by Statistics South Africa (2013), at least 58 people die every day from diabetes, which is the fifth most common cause of death in the country.
- A 2012 Lancet study showed that South Africa has one of the fastest-growing diabetes epidemics in the world, which makes SA the most obese nation in Africa: 70% of women and 40% of men are considered overweight.
- Statistics show that about 130 heart attacks and 240 strokes occur daily in South Africa. This means that 10 people will suffer a stroke and five people will have a heart attack every hour.
- According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA, a staggering 80% of cardiovascular diseases could be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes – like reducing salt.
- In the past, hypertension was associated with rich, developed countries or with wealthier sectors of society. Today, high blood pressure is a condition that cuts across all levels of society, rich or poor, rural or urban.